Saturday, August 16, 2008

Beckham has been doing awesome!

Some of the events, progress, and milestones that Beckham has accomplished in the last week. He went under lights for jaundice for a couple days, was doing every other feeding by tube, got off the lights, moved to an open crib, was eating all his milk at every bottle feed. So, on Friday morning the doctor decided to have him start trying every feeding by bottle again. He did awesome, and only needed the tube two times at the beginning of the switch to help finish the last 10 to 30 % of the bottle. But, he has been eating all his milk at every feeding since then. So, this morning, Saturday, the doctor said that because he has been handling eating every feeding by bottle so well they are going to remove the tube. She also said that because he is eating by bottle now, and finishing it all; that what we need him to do now is to completely get the hang of drinking, swallowing, and breathing with coordination. She said once he can do that consistently and he continues to be eating enough at his feedings he will be ready to go home. They had been giving him 38 cc's, but they wanted to let him eat as much or as little as he wants this last time, at 11:30 a.m., so they filled it up to 45 cc's; all of which Beckham ate. He is doing awesome and we are getting so excited because we can see that the end is near. We are so pleased with how well he is doing, and with the care he is receiving from his nurses and doctors; although we get very frustrated with them sometimes.


whitey said...

Happy to hear he is getting stronger everyday. Thanks for the updates.